PhilosophersNotes for FREE -

Friends and Family, We are keeping the Spirit of the Holidays going strong and want to GIVE you something really great. We are really excited to share this one with you. For those of you who do not know about PhilosophersNotes prepare to have your mind blown. Our friend Brian Johnson, creator of PhilosophersNotes has created a page for us on his website where we can offer you, no strings attached, a FREE subscription to his PhilosophersNotes. Check it out here. This is life changing, forward moving, empowering stuff not let this pass you by. Please, from the bottom of our hearts, take advantage of this one. What are these PhilosophersNotes you might be asking yourself? Well, they are 20 minute audio summaries and/or PDF's (your choice) of some of the most empowering books ever written. Think Audio Cliff Notes of Goodness. Topics range from Personal Growth, Self-Development, Love, Health and Wealth Creation and Spirituality. Names like Deepak Chopra, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer and many other classic writers and timeless masterpieces. You basically get the most valuable "big ideas" from these books extracted for you in Audio format. Brian really has a knack for relaying the messages and relating them to you and your life. They are so perfect for our busy can listen at the gym, while you are sitting in traffic, walking, jogging, biking, on your lunch break, etc...You're basically reading an awesome, empowering book in 20 minutes...too cool. The best investment you can ever make, is in Yourself! INVEST WISELY! The best part, is that, if you really dig these notes, you can also share them, for FREE, with whomever you choose as well. Just send them the link here and they are hooked up. This is something of true value and substance we can share with our friends, family, colleagues and loved ones near and far. Please take advantage and pay it forward by sharing with someone else. On the behalf of Nicholas Mrozinski and Wake the World, please ENJOY! Sincerely, Jackson Eddy Wake the World P.S. We also hope you enjoyed the FREE Christmas Tune we sent out earlier in the week and if you missed it, it is available, for FREE, to download at Feel free to share that one with whomever you wish as well. Keep spreading the love!

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